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The book of Joel prophesies that God will raise up an end-time army, and they will prophesy, dream dreams and see visions. They will destroy much of Satan's work before the Antichrist finally arises, restore hope in the power of God, and usher in the end-time harvest. In preparation, this community is designed to be a home for everyone called to be part of that army, and fulfill His end-time work.

Satanic Temple Abortions: A Sacrifice Of Blood

Hidden In Him

Staff member
Mar 5, 2024
Satanic Temple Abortions: A Sacrifice Of Blood


For the last several years now, the Satanic Temple (TST) has been pushing to have abortions protected under state laws as a religious right for all who adopt Satanism as their religion. Adherents to their religion can either self-abort or have it carried out at their TST clinic in New Mexico, but the abortion must be undergone as a Satanic ritual and not just a medical procedure.

The following excerpts are taken from an article written last year by Harvard University regarding the Satanic Temple’s legal claims:

satanic ritual altar, pentagram with candles beside it.

The Satanic Temple Asserts Medication Abortion is a Religious Right​

February 9, 2024, By Katherine Drabiak

In February 2023, The Satanic Temple (TST) opened a telehealth clinic that offers free screening, virtual appointments, and medication abortion prescriptions by mail for pregnant women seeking an abortion. Currently, TST offers the services only to patients in New Mexico, but it plans to expand into other states...

TST has alleged a variety of legal claims in states that restrict abortion... but has extended this further by classifying the act of performing an abortion itself as a Satanic ritual – a rite of destruction that is required by the tenets of their belief system. TST’s website first describes “the Satanic Abortion Ritual,” refers to the Satanic tenets that it supports, and then provides directions for how to complete the ritual. This includes taking the prescriptions, looking into one’s reflection, and invoking a specific Satanic affirmation.

The question should be this: Is it a coincidence that Satanists are not only condoning abortion but now turning into a religious ritual? The black mass is a long standing ritual that involves human sacrifice, and a deeper look into things reveals why: The "gods" behind such religions rejoice in the death of human beings. They take delight in blood being spilt upon the altar of "freedom," including even the blood of those who worship and serve them.

As was revealed to Anna Rountree in a vision, Satan's kingdom therefore takes great pleasure in abortion, in the same way they do with human sacrifices carried out on Satanic altars. Both are seen as acts of worship, and the blood that is spilt on both is regarded as a type of delicacy they revel in:

The walls and ceilings of the hallway were intricately decorated with human bones, even thousands upon thousands of human bones. It was an ossuary. It would have been strikingly beautiful if it were not so ghoulish. Oil-burning containers by the hundreds lit the dark, dank hall and the rooms we passed. There was a strange smell. It wasn't whale oil that was being burned. I believe it was oil from reconstituted human fat. The floors were an iron patchwork of stepping stones, but instead of masonry grout linking them together, the narrow spaces were like open veins where streams of blood were running. With so much blood openly flowing, there was a cloying smell in the air, like the sickening small of a slaughterhouse. Also, oozing from between the bones in the walls were pockets of puss and rivulets of blood... the stench of death was everywhere. Ghastly.

Suddenly we entered what looked like a giant rotunda. The top of a huge tree took up a good deal of the space. It was in full leaf and had large sacs of fruit hanging from its branches. The fruit was like none I had ever seen though. It made me ill to look at it - for it was flesh, raw flesh, and the blood that was traveling throughout the castle was going into the branches that supplied this fruit. The angel Ruach spoke to me. "This is the blood of aborted children and those sacrificed on the altar of Satan. Even as prayers rise to God, unrighteous slaughter empowers the evil one."

Within the expansive hall, thrones were set up, with one throne elevated on a mound of human skulls. These thrones were also created from human bones, with black velvet cushions to soften their sharp edges... Suddenly there were so many high demons crowding into my sight that I could only register a few. Pushing its way down the hall was a gargantuan monstrosity. One head was a cat's, one a frog's, and one a man's wearing a crown. Their necks went right into an engorged sac-like body on hairy spider's legs. The demon was so satiated with blood that its round cushion of a body dragged on the floor. The next was a named man with bat's wings riding a dragon. He held a snake in one hand and wore a crown. Another had a man's body, clad in armor, with legs like coiled snakes and the head of a rooster. One had five cloven-hoofed animal legs in a circle, with a furious lion's head in the center without a torso. One was a huge fly, and on and on they came. All were ghastly to behold...

The hideous creatures began to change before my eyes. They morphed into tall, gaunt angels dressed on black, laden with gold, and adorned with ceremonial regalia that I assumed indicated their rank in the demonic realm. As they moved toward their thrones, they reached for the low-hanging fruit from the tree, a gesture as casual as selected hors d' oeuvres from a party platter. Watching them bite into the flesh, dripping with blood, was chilling. I had to look away as they consumed the flesh with such relish. Satan observed them carefully... (excerpted from The Warrior King, Anna Rountree).

Some of the descriptions given make it clear these demons were false gods from ancient history, and they still hold religious influence over men today. The result of that influence is the same as what the Satanic Temple is now openly lobbying for: The killing of the unborn, and not just as a doctoral procedure but as a Satanic ritual, a ceremony that offers up blood sacrifice to what scripture calls the princes of the power of the air, the fallen angels who now rule over the nations of the earth through various forms of false religion.

The conclusion of the matter: Those who know the spiritual motivations behind this practice reject it as an abomination, and in reality a ghoulish celebration of the death, not of humanity's "liberation" and a woman's right to choose.

Links to sources, including the Satanic Temple's pages on abortion rights, and one on their lobbying effort to make peyote use legal for American Indians during ritual abortion - a drug long known to cause altered states, which would undoubtedly make their blood sacrifice an even greater "communion" with the gods of this world:

"The words I speak to you, they are Spirit and they are Life."

Why did Jesus prophesy, heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons? He performed signs and wonders to confirm the word (Mark 16:20), because it has the power to do more than just save from death. It has the power to grant eternal life (John 6:63). Scripture promises that He will confirm His word through signs and wonders once again (Joel 2:28), and what we teach may determine whether He does so through us or not, so study becomes extremely important. Please join us in studying verse by verse through entire books of the Bible. Understanding each verse in its theological and historical context as led by the Spirit is key to unlocking what the word actually teaches, and revealing what the Spirit is still speaking to the churches in these last days.
