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The book of Joel prophesies that God will raise up an end-time army, and they will prophesy, dream dreams and see visions. They will destroy much of Satan's work before the Antichrist finally arises, restore hope in the power of God, and usher in the end-time harvest. In preparation, this community is designed to be a home for everyone called to be part of that army, and fulfill His end-time work.

Why We Resist The Devil, Not Acquiesce To Him

Hidden In Him

Staff member
Mar 5, 2024
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Why We Resist The Devil, Not Acquiesce To Him

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Some get intimidated by people who practice witchcraft. They have never invested themselves enough in the spiritual war to know that you have to fight, so they give in, thinking if they appease the darkness things will be ok. But it never works out that way. Making a "deal" with the Devil is always a mistake, for it will only lead to even greater bondage, and potentially the complete destruction of one's life for knuckling under.

I should note before posting the following dream that we received another one from this same sister about a spiritual attack and it was confirmed beyond doubt, so I have every reason to believe that this one could potentiality prove to be just as accurate.

I was walking around with the cousins (she has about 5 cousins close to her age IRL) for some reason and then we saw a gray striped cat with bright blue eyes. We ignored it and kept walking around, but then it started haunting us for no apparent reason at all (It would disappear and reappear as they walked). Then I walked up our porch stairs to my bedroom with the cousins and they all sat on my top bunk. I then said I’d be right back, and then went to the porch and spoke to the cat. I said “Let’s make a deal, if you stop haunting me, my friends and my family, I’ll bring you animal bones.” Then it replied “hmm… ok.” I then grabbed a packet of candy that looked like an animal bone and it fooled the cat. Then, just as I was about to find more animal bones mom came up to me and in this dream I had three brothers, all with brunette hair. One was older, another the same age as me, and the youngest was a toddler, and mum looked like my friends mom. She scolded us (apparently for no reason), and me and the oldest brother just walked away annoyed. Then when I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw the shop was on fire (we have a two car garage/shop on our property that is separate from the house), but it was more ash then fire, and there was a crowd of strangers in it. I walked in and saw my friends in a pillow fort, and it looked like a garage sale, but the one who was not my friend said, “Sorry, you can’t come in the fort my whole family’s in there.” I was confused and walked away, and I found animal bones finally and gave them to the cat.

Background to the Interpretation I gave her

When I asked if her friend had three brothers and she confirmed that she did, I knew what the interpretation was, so I gave the following background information to start with:

It appears your friend may have been approached by a local Shaman or witchdoctor who is or will be targeting her. The dream suggests she may cower to him hoping he will leave them alone, but she must not do so. He will be tracking the girls as a group, but she will become the primary victim if she makes that mistake.

First some background. Animal bones are considered valuable by those who practice witchcraft for several reasons. Burning them was often used as a symbolic act to release the energy contained within the bone, and was often used in spells related to healing, protection, or banishing. In some traditions, burning bones, especially animal shoulder blades, is used in divination by reading the patterns of cracks that form as a way to gain insight into the future or hidden matters. It can also be seen as a way to connect with the spirit of the creature the bone came from, allowing communication with the dead animal's spirit, or seeking guidance from it.

From your country specifically

Pre-contact Innu religion was a personal endeavour and encouraged the cultivation of respect for animals. The caribou was the most revered animal as it provided practically all the necessities of life. Shamans performed Shaking Tent rites, and hunters appeased animal spirits by placing offerings of bones and skulls in trees or on raised platforms. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/innu-montagnais-naskapi

Shaking Tent rite was widespread among the Ojibwa, Innu (Montagnais-Naskapi), Cree, Penobscot and Abenaki and involved the shamanistic use of a special cylindrical lodge or tent. Singing and drumming summoned the shaman's spirit helpers, whose arrival was signified by animal cries and the shaking tent. These spirit helpers were used in curing and also in anti-sorcery.

Shaking Tent

See also: Indigenous Peoples: Religion.


Whoever the guy is practicing witchcraft, she stands to make a Very bad decision if she simply acquiesces to this guy and makes a deal with him to appease him, rather than resisting him and telling him to go away. If he doesn't, she should call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for protection from a spiritual predator. He will protect her if she does, because her will is her own, and the enemy has no grounds to simply destroy her life.

But here's what happens if she acquiesces: The man will use some sort of curse to separate her from her mother first (so that she will all the more be subservient to him), and then he will also separate her from the rest of her sisters and friends after that. They will begin to reject her subconsciously under the influence of his witchcraft (i.e. as symbolized by them not inviting her into the pillow fort), and the more she gives in to the guy, the more he will increase his attacks on her to try and remove everyone good from her life but him. The garage sale imagery is akin to "selling one's soul," as it were, with the ash in the garage representing that the bones have been burned, and his witchcraft is having its negative effects on her entire family, given the way they will treat her and exclude her from their lives.

So if she should notice someone coming into her life who has these characteristics, do not make the two mistakes she makes in the dream. First she gives him a little attention, a little friendliness or "sweetness" (represented by the candy) to fool him into taking less. He will want her helping him in his witchcraft, represented by her finally finding and giving him real animals bones. But giving in will be a tragic mistake, so tell her to call upon Jesus Christ to protect her instead of giving in, because his real intention will be to destroy everything beautiful in her life, and steal her away from her family "for pennies on the dollar" as it were.

As the scripture teaches, "Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:8)

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him

"The words I speak to you, they are Spirit and they are Life."

Why did Jesus prophesy, heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons? He performed signs and wonders to confirm the word (Mark 16:20), because it has the power to do more than just save from death. It has the power to grant eternal life (John 6:63). Scripture promises that He will confirm His word through signs and wonders once again (Joel 2:28), and what we teach may determine whether He does so through us or not, so study becomes extremely important. Please join us in studying verse by verse through entire books of the Bible. Understanding each verse in its theological and historical context as led by the Spirit is key to unlocking what the word actually teaches, and revealing what the Spirit is still speaking to the churches in these last days.
