- Mar 5, 2024
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The Gates Of Surrender, By Susan Cummings

In a vision, I see a scene that spreads out before me. It is a scene of an ancient town or village. There are stone walls surrounding this village and the walls are thick and high. The stones are old and there are plants growing within some of the cracks in the stone walls.
The scene is around the days end, and it is late. I see some people sitting around near the town's walls. Some are camped outside the walls sitting by a fire, and a few are walking around the walls to go to another side. I do not see what is on the other side, so I continue to watch the scene that is spread out before me.
I study the walls for a few minutes. The walls are old, as I noted earlier. They are very tall and wide and have gaps here and there for windows, I guessed. There are no entrances on this side of the wall except for a very old gate that is completely blocked by brambles and stuff growing around it.
It must be why the people were walking around to the other side of the town wall. It seemed that no one has cleared this gate or gone through it for awhile. The only thing on this side of the wall was a camp of a few people and bushes, here and there.
I was curious, and wanted to see this gate. Instantly, as I thought about this gate, then I was taken closer to it in the vision.
The gate was indeed overgrown and very foreboding to look at. I too, would think twice about tackling the brambles before entering. It would leave you quite beat up and scratched if you tried to clear it all away from the door. The gate was closed as I peered through the brambles. It was a very heavy door and had a great big key still resting in the lock. Someone had not even bothered to remove it.
I laughed at myself then, for no one was going to take it anyways, with this mess growing all around the gate! I stood there looking at the gate. Then I noticed an inscription above the gate. It was hard to read as some of the brambles had grown over it. But I stood and reached through to move some of the branches out of the way. The inscription was very old and was etched into the rock above the gate. It read, "Surrender."
I stepped back and wondered how long it had been here. Who had made it and why it was no longer used. I wondered why no one cared to clear this passage and make good use of a gate that would give them entrance to the town.
The Lord then spoke to me, and said, "Surrender is the least used gates of all."
I turned and the Lord stood beside me. He was pointing to the gate.
He said, "This gate is the most valuable of all, and the least recognized. It is the most hated and the most feared, and men will do anything to not enter in through it even though it is the quickest entrance into the town."
"As you have guessed, this town represents My House, and it's current state of disrepair and workmanship. The gates are many, but the most important ones are often abused, neglected, controlled, or broken down. The ones that are used the most are the ones that lead to their business or fellowship places."
He then walked up to the brambles and took one in His hand.
He pointed and said to me, "Can you enter this gate?" I shook my head, and said, "Not without clearing the path first."
The Lord smiled broadly. "Yes," he said, "This is what I am doing."
"Many think they can bypass this gate and enter into what I am currently doing by going through another way. There is no other gate through which men can enter in by. For I AM the Gate, and all who come to the Father come only through here. It is through full surrender to Me that they truly enter in."
"I am not just talking about salvation. I have many sheep in many pastures."
"I am talking about fully abiding In Me. Surrender comes when you truly lay all things down, and can take My Yoke upon you, and drink from My Cup. Few can. Many take My Name, My Blood, My Word and My Throne and call it theirs. But few truly have died and laid themselves at My Feet and have given Me their life to make it into My Image. Few want to look like Me, think like Me, and live like Me. Fewer still, fully surrender to Me."
"I am coming for those who are Mine, who are fully surrendered to Me, and who live the crucified life. I am coming for those who bear My Cross and drink My Cup. I am coming for those who know My Sufferings and My Joy. I am coming for those who bear My Mark and who bear My Name within them. For I indeed write My Word and My Name upon the tablets of the hearts and minds of My People. Those who have given their hearts and minds to Me, and who walk fully in My Ways. These are also those who bear the reproach of men in their bodies and who bear My Holiness within them. They have allowed the work of My Father to be burnt within them and without. These are the truly Righteous Ones."
Jesus then stood back and stepped closer to where I was standing. He looked at me, and said, "I want you to enter the gate."
I looked back at the gate, and at the brambles. I swallowed, and said, "Okay. I will clear the way. I will open it again for others to pass through."
I then turned and began to reach for the branches. I pulled and the branches did not move easily. The brambles did not move. They seemed to be frozen in place. They were very strong, and over time, had become deeply entrenched in the ground. This was going to be very hard work.
I strained at the brambles and thought of ways that I could move the branches. There seemed to be no way that I could see. I looked around for something to dig with. I thought if I dug them out by the roots, then I could pull each bush out, one by one. But there was nothing. The Lord was still standing there, and He had no shovel either.
The Lord watched me intently. I was getting frustrated, and stood up. The brambles were not only not moving, but they were scratching me and scraping me as well. I had made no progress. I looked at the brambles and sat down.
(Continued next post)

In a vision, I see a scene that spreads out before me. It is a scene of an ancient town or village. There are stone walls surrounding this village and the walls are thick and high. The stones are old and there are plants growing within some of the cracks in the stone walls.
The scene is around the days end, and it is late. I see some people sitting around near the town's walls. Some are camped outside the walls sitting by a fire, and a few are walking around the walls to go to another side. I do not see what is on the other side, so I continue to watch the scene that is spread out before me.
I study the walls for a few minutes. The walls are old, as I noted earlier. They are very tall and wide and have gaps here and there for windows, I guessed. There are no entrances on this side of the wall except for a very old gate that is completely blocked by brambles and stuff growing around it.
It must be why the people were walking around to the other side of the town wall. It seemed that no one has cleared this gate or gone through it for awhile. The only thing on this side of the wall was a camp of a few people and bushes, here and there.
I was curious, and wanted to see this gate. Instantly, as I thought about this gate, then I was taken closer to it in the vision.
The gate was indeed overgrown and very foreboding to look at. I too, would think twice about tackling the brambles before entering. It would leave you quite beat up and scratched if you tried to clear it all away from the door. The gate was closed as I peered through the brambles. It was a very heavy door and had a great big key still resting in the lock. Someone had not even bothered to remove it.
I laughed at myself then, for no one was going to take it anyways, with this mess growing all around the gate! I stood there looking at the gate. Then I noticed an inscription above the gate. It was hard to read as some of the brambles had grown over it. But I stood and reached through to move some of the branches out of the way. The inscription was very old and was etched into the rock above the gate. It read, "Surrender."
I stepped back and wondered how long it had been here. Who had made it and why it was no longer used. I wondered why no one cared to clear this passage and make good use of a gate that would give them entrance to the town.
The Lord then spoke to me, and said, "Surrender is the least used gates of all."
I turned and the Lord stood beside me. He was pointing to the gate.
He said, "This gate is the most valuable of all, and the least recognized. It is the most hated and the most feared, and men will do anything to not enter in through it even though it is the quickest entrance into the town."
"As you have guessed, this town represents My House, and it's current state of disrepair and workmanship. The gates are many, but the most important ones are often abused, neglected, controlled, or broken down. The ones that are used the most are the ones that lead to their business or fellowship places."
He then walked up to the brambles and took one in His hand.
He pointed and said to me, "Can you enter this gate?" I shook my head, and said, "Not without clearing the path first."
The Lord smiled broadly. "Yes," he said, "This is what I am doing."
"Many think they can bypass this gate and enter into what I am currently doing by going through another way. There is no other gate through which men can enter in by. For I AM the Gate, and all who come to the Father come only through here. It is through full surrender to Me that they truly enter in."
"I am not just talking about salvation. I have many sheep in many pastures."
"I am talking about fully abiding In Me. Surrender comes when you truly lay all things down, and can take My Yoke upon you, and drink from My Cup. Few can. Many take My Name, My Blood, My Word and My Throne and call it theirs. But few truly have died and laid themselves at My Feet and have given Me their life to make it into My Image. Few want to look like Me, think like Me, and live like Me. Fewer still, fully surrender to Me."
"I am coming for those who are Mine, who are fully surrendered to Me, and who live the crucified life. I am coming for those who bear My Cross and drink My Cup. I am coming for those who know My Sufferings and My Joy. I am coming for those who bear My Mark and who bear My Name within them. For I indeed write My Word and My Name upon the tablets of the hearts and minds of My People. Those who have given their hearts and minds to Me, and who walk fully in My Ways. These are also those who bear the reproach of men in their bodies and who bear My Holiness within them. They have allowed the work of My Father to be burnt within them and without. These are the truly Righteous Ones."
Jesus then stood back and stepped closer to where I was standing. He looked at me, and said, "I want you to enter the gate."
I looked back at the gate, and at the brambles. I swallowed, and said, "Okay. I will clear the way. I will open it again for others to pass through."
I then turned and began to reach for the branches. I pulled and the branches did not move easily. The brambles did not move. They seemed to be frozen in place. They were very strong, and over time, had become deeply entrenched in the ground. This was going to be very hard work.
I strained at the brambles and thought of ways that I could move the branches. There seemed to be no way that I could see. I looked around for something to dig with. I thought if I dug them out by the roots, then I could pull each bush out, one by one. But there was nothing. The Lord was still standing there, and He had no shovel either.
The Lord watched me intently. I was getting frustrated, and stood up. The brambles were not only not moving, but they were scratching me and scraping me as well. I had made no progress. I looked at the brambles and sat down.
(Continued next post)