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The book of Joel prophesies that God will raise up an end-time army, and they will prophesy, dream dreams and see visions. They will destroy much of Satan's work before the Antichrist finally arises, restore hope in the power of God, and usher in the end-time harvest. In preparation, this community is designed to be a home for everyone called to be part of that army, and fulfill His end-time work.

Howard Pittman's Near Death Experience 1. And Part 2


Active member
Aug 25, 2024
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Amazing 2 part testimony from a Southern Baptist pastor who had a near death experience. This glimpse into the heavenlies bought about understanding of our acceptance or unacceptance into the Kingdom of God. Revelation of how Satans Army is organised and also how the churches today are living in the Laodicean church age of Revelation 3:14 -22. Incredible stuff!

Gabrielle 15/10/2024
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Amazing 2 part testimony from a South Baptist pastor who had a near death experience. This glimpse into the heavenlies bought about our understanding of our acceptance or unacceptance into the Kingdom of God. Revelation of how Satans Army is organised and also how the churches today are living in the Laodicean church age of Revelation 3:14 -22. Incredible stuff!

Gabrielle 15/10/2024
It can be really scary when God speaks sometimes. Makes me want to ask Him to reveal to me if im serving Him wrong in anyway.
Have you ever heard his audible voice @Br4nd0n?
I have not. I have only heard Him through scripture. And i believe He has put thoughts into my head when im praying on occassion, like the really simple answers like repentance. But i havent heard a thunderous voice like a waterfall. I need to hear your side now :) have you heard His voice?

"The words I speak to you, they are Spirit and they are Life."

Why did Jesus prophesy, heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons? He performed signs and wonders to confirm the word (Mark 16:20), because it has the power to do more than just save from death. It has the power to grant eternal life (John 6:63). Scripture promises that He will confirm His word through signs and wonders once again (Joel 2:28), and what we teach may determine whether He does so through us or not, so study becomes extremely important. Please join us in studying verse by verse through entire books of the Bible. Understanding each verse in its theological and historical context as led by the Spirit is key to unlocking what the word actually teaches, and revealing what the Spirit is still speaking to the churches in these last days.
