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The book of Joel prophesies that God will raise up an end-time army, and they will prophesy, dream dreams and see visions. They will destroy much of Satan's work before the Antichrist finally arises, restore hope in the power of God, and usher in the end-time harvest. In preparation, this community is designed to be a home for everyone called to be part of that army, and fulfill His end-time work.

A Warning About Seven Years Of Famine

Hidden In Him

Staff member
Mar 5, 2024
A Warning About Seven Years Of Famine


A friend recently sent the following word he received from the Lord a few years ago. He does not receive direct words of very often, but each time he has the word he received proved to be accurate, and each time it was accompanied by an outpouring, and feeling the Spirit of the Lord tangibly come upon him.

I will relate the word as he sent it to me, together with the research he did on it first.

March 13th 2022, a friend who lives here where I am shared with me an article about the Apophis asteroid, Apophis 99942. I didn't know what to think, so I kind of just brushed it aside. But as I was reading the article, the same feeling - that same impactful, powerful intense feeling - came upon me again, and again I had to speak words out loud to hear what the Lord was trying to tell me. What it said was, "Seven years of plenty, and seven years of famine."

I am not someone who speculates and tries date setting of any kind. I stay away from that kind of thinking. But there seems to be no other explanation for this. It came in the exact same way as the other two experiences had, and I don't know how else to describe it. But I looked things up, and the next two projected arrivals of Apophis will be exactly seven years apart, which would mean April 13th, 2022 - April 13, 2029 would be the seven years of plenty, and April 13th 2029 - April 13th 2036 would be the seven years of famine.

I remembered from the Bible the seven years of plenty and seven years of famine is back when Joseph was the interpreter of the Pharaoh's dream. Joseph warned him that seven years of plenty and seven years of famine were coming, and advised him to stock up for those seven years of famine. I even went further into this, and the Jewish harvest is on a seven year cycle, a Shabuah that starts on Tishri 1 in the Jewish New Year.

I haven't told anyone this except the friend who gave me the article. I haven't told my wife, I haven't told another living soul except you now, Because I have absolutely no idea how to take it.

I encouraged him in this on two counts. For one, I myself have experienced outpourings that felt like warm oil being tangibly poured out upon me, and secondly, the Lord does indeed use things like this to prepare His people to be a blessing to the world when they enter into hardship, as a testimony to them that their hope is in Him, not humanistic means of survival. Time will tell, but unless something happens to cancel out this coming event, those who name the name of Christ need to be making preparations for what is coming now.

"The words I speak to you, they are Spirit and they are Life."

Why did Jesus prophesy, heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons? He performed signs and wonders to confirm the word (Mark 16:20), because it has the power to do more than just save from death. It has the power to grant eternal life (John 6:63). Scripture promises that He will confirm His word through signs and wonders once again (Joel 2:28), and what we teach may determine whether He does so through us or not, so study becomes extremely important. Please join us in studying verse by verse through entire books of the Bible. Understanding each verse in its theological and historical context as led by the Spirit is key to unlocking what the word actually teaches, and revealing what the Spirit is still speaking to the churches in these last days.
